There are several websites that give advice on how to pick the perfect major in college, but how do you know which one is your perfect major? Based on some light research and some brother testimonials, here are some ways to explore any college or university and pick something great. How to Pick a MajorFirst, how do you start to pick a major? One article by Zety gives a step-by-step guide, of which some highlights are:
One piece of advice we'd like to add to this list is to join clubs! One great way to learn if something is just an interest or something you want to pursue as a career is to join clubs. Sometimes, clubs will have alumni or professionals in the respective field(s) come in and talk, so members can ask questions. What about double majors and minors?What if you have multiple interests you want to study in your college career? Consider a minor, or a double major. At GVSU, adding another major or minor is relatively easy, especially with the help of an academic advisor. For example, Several of our brothers are double majoring with Finance and Accounting, since the two programs are so similar, credit-wise. Also, there are several minors that are compatible with GVSU general education requirements. Two of our brothers are minoring in Anthropology, which spreads over many general education requirements, and also is something they are both passionate about. (It's generally a nice bonus.) Interested in how Grand Valley programs work? Here is a complete list of GVSU major and minor programs. How did Brothers Know?We asked some of our brothers why they chose their major, or how they knew it was the right fit for them. Here is what they said:
Remember, most schools allow students to wait until the end of their sophomore year to officially declare their major(s). We don't necessarily recommend this, but not everyone knows what they want to do the second they graduate high school, and many people change their minds during their college career.
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