Meet Leah!
Name: Leah Hanacek
Graduation Year: 2024 Major/Minor: Finance and Economics Why did you join Delta Sigma Pi? I really wanted to develop myself both personally and professionally, all while meeting people and building my network. I also wanted a stronger sense of community within GVSU. What year did you join? Winter 2020 Short-term and long-term career goals: Short term would be to find a job that I truly love and to succeed at that job. Long term would be to rise to the top of my position and eventually be the CEO or CFO of a large company. What advice Would you give to someone joining DSP? Never hesitate to reach out for help! Whether you're looking for a job, trying to edit your resume, improve your LinkedIn, or anything else there is always a brother with the knowledge and willingness to help! Fun Fact About yourself I share a birthday with my mom! |